2 min readDec 4, 2020

We often send secrets messages using some type of cryptographic methods .

We can also send a secret message inside a file using stegonography. Here we are using tool called steghide.

In steghide, We are embedding a secret message inside a jpeg file. We often send images to our friends, so most of them thinks that is only an image file.

Let’s install the tool ( In Debian distributions)

$sudo apt install steghide

Embedding Secret message inside a Image

  • Let’s Assume you have image file called image.jpeg
  • Create a secret text inside a secret.txt file
  • Using below command, we can create our steg file called image.jpeg(where secret.txt hidden inside this file)

$steghide embed -cf image.jpeg -ef secret.txt

  • After executing the command, it’s ask to set passphrase. If anyone found out some file embed in image file, he have to provide a password to see a secret text inside secret.txt

Extract the message from the steg file

  • By using below commad we can extract the secret message inside an image file.

$steghide extract -sf image.jpeg

  • If user set passphrase, you have to enter the passphrase to extract the secret message.

If you have received a file that contains embedded data and you want to get some information about it before extracting it.We can use info command shown below.

$steghide info image.jpeg

You can also embedded a secret text with other file formats such as audio,video etc.

Thank You!!

