KodeKloud Engineer Task

1 min readMay 28, 2020

IPtables Installation And Configuration

Details: Install Iptables on all app servers and block the port 8083 except for LBR server

Installing Iptables in all app servers by using command

sudo yum install iptables

Next blocking the port 8083 using iptables

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp — dport 8083 -j DROP

INPUT = incoming port , -p refers either tcp or udp transport layer, — dport is the port we want to block, and -j refers to jump and argument to -j is DROP(blocking the specific port)

To make persistent of these settings after system reboot :

sudo iptables-save

Do nothing on LBR server to do not block the port 8083.

we use sudo on every command ,because we don’t have permission to access root, But the user in sudoers file to access the root privileges.

We can see the either user in sudoers file by using : sudo -l command…

